Further information on these service providers can be found at
At Anglicare Victoria they are committed to child safety and assisting children, young people, adults and families to make positive change in their lives. They operate services including: Home-based care, residential care, family and parenting support, emergency aid, youth programs, alcohol and drugs programs, education support, specialised counselling, parish partnerships and community development.
For Bendigo, Echuca, Kyneton & Maryborough Regions, Contact : (03) 5440 1100
For Swan Hill & Mildura Regions, Contact: (03) 5036 3200
Bendigo Health Psychiatric Services (BHPS) provides 24 hour access to mental health services across the region and it Regional Psychiatric Triage Service (RTS) in the single point of entry for contact. RTS can be contacted via Ph: 1300363788. Bendigo Health Psychiatric Services websiteBendigo HealthPsychiatric Services website

Boort District Health offers a 24 hour Urgent Care Centre for anyone requiring medical attention or assistance.Qualified Registered Nursing staff assess patient needs, liaise with the on call Doctor and facilitate referrals to appropriate professionals as required. Boort District Health does not offer any on site counselling, mental health or social work services.Ph: (03) 5451 5200,Fax: (03) 5455 2502, Website:https://www.bdh.vic.gov.au

DBNC is run by qualified Registered Nurses and provides all nursing services, community health programs/screens, women’s health, health assessments and referrals, Domiciliary Midwifery, and Immunisations to name a few. Phone: (03) 5436 8309 DBNC or email:

Inglewood District Health Services (IDHS) mental health nurses primarily work with people who have a mental illness. Mental health, physical health, and other aspects of life can all affect each other. So, mental health nurses work with people to help them manage their lives. They may also assist someone in managing or recovering from a physical illness. Ph: (03) 5431 700 or visit our website HERE

Lifeline Central Victoria & Mallee Provides 24/7 crisis support and other suicide prevention services. Ph: 13 11 14 or for more information on the Lifeline Website

Good health means that we are able to enjoy our lives and engage with our communities. While there are many things that can protect or pose a risk to it, there are simple actions – such as eating well, sleeping well, and getting enough exercise – that we can do to stay well. On our website HERE you will find a range of helpful community support and resources.

Northen District Community Health offers person centred counselling for individuals. Counselling is available to help with a range of issues across a person’s lifespan. Our Counsellors are professional, qualified and highly skilled, bringing a depth of knowledge and experience to their work. More information can be found on our NDCH website

The North Central LLEN is an incorporated association that partners with a range of groups and organisations including education and training providers, business and industry, community agencies, and parent and family organisations to assist in planning effective delivery of programs for young people. Ph: (03) 5491 1144, Email:
Flying Doctor Wellbeing is here to support people in the Boort community improve their overall mental health and wellbeing. Flying Doctor Wellbeing is confidential and provided at no cost via telephone, telehealth or face-to-face at Boort District health.
You may feel nervous or unsure about getting support, but it can make a big difference having someone to talk to, hear what you have to say and provide advice. In Boort the Flying Doctor clinician is Patrick Boyer.
Ph: (03) 8412 0480 or email:

StandBy Murray supports anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide, including individuals, families, friends, colleagues, schools, community groups, first responders and service providers. StandBy provides crisis support, information, referrals and locally tailored workshops. StandBy works within the Murray Primary Health Network region, which includes North East, North West, and Central Victoria, and the Goulburn Valley. More information on the Standby Website

STRIDE providing specialist mental health services which improve the lifelong mental health of children, young people and adults – and help people with complex needs live better. We’ll set you on a path to find your motivation, resilience, and ultimately, your strength. Ph: 1300 001 907 or Bendigo (03) 5406 0333,
Website: stride.com.au

Women’s Health Loddon Mallee (WHLM) lead change by advocating for the health and wellbeing of women across the Loddon Mallee Region, with strategic focus on sexual and reproductive health, primary prevention of violence against women, mental health and wellbeing, and gender equity. WHLM website