Please find a list of resources available to save and use as appropriate:
Stop Mental Ilness Stigma Charter
headspace youth - how to cope with the stress of natural disasters Fact Sheet
headspace - supporting a young person after a natural disaster Fact Sheet
headspace if your friend is not okay Fact Sheet
headspace overview of mental health for family and friends Fact Sheet
headspace understanding anxiety Fact Sheet
headspace understanding depression Fact Sheet
headspace understanding loneliness Fact Sheet
National Centre for Farmer Health Managing Stress on the Farm Booklet 2022
LGBTIQ - If you are wondering...
MAZN Mental Health Contact List (Greater Bendigo and Loddon Shire)
Resources - Suicide Prevention & Postvention
Murray PHN Postvention information
headspace School Support - Suicide Postvention Toolkit
Standby - Support After Suicide
Men's Wellbeing Matters Murray Region Victoria Facebook page
Lifeline - Aboriginal Suicide Prevention ToolkitLifeline - Aboriginal Suicide Prevention Toolkit
suicide, Help, Contact list, list, content, critical support
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