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Youth Outreach Recovery Support (YORS)

Youth Outreach Recovery Support (YORS) is a Mental Health Community Support Service (MHCSS) for young people aged 16-25 years who are experiencing mental health symptoms or significant psychological distress.


As part of the YORS program, young people will receive short to medium term flexible outreach wellbeing support to help them to better manage their mental health, develop practical life skills for independent living and self-care, engage in community life, access other health and social support services they need, and make the journey towards recovery and the life they want. YORS provides support to young people pre and post entry to the Youth Recovery Rehabilitation (YRR) service and as an alternative to a YRR placement.

YORS 2nd poster

 Youth Outreach Recovery Support Page 1  Youth Outreach Recovery Support Page 2

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Please note that the information provided on this page, or anywhere else on the site, is for general information only. It is NOT intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice from qualified practitioners. If you have concerns regarding your mental health, seek help from suitably qualfied people.