Stigma is so common in our communities surrounding mental illness. Generally though this is because of a lack of understanding of what mental illness is all about.

One of the first things we should remember is that the person is not the illness. John is not schizophrenic, John has schizophrenia.  Mary is not bipolar, Mary has bipolar.  Mental illness is no different to physical illness.  It can be just as debilitating and cause just as much pain and problems in a person's life.

Watch this video about Jack.


Jack is an ordinary everyday dairy farmer that has been affected by mental illness.  Mental illness is not discriminatory. It can affect anyone at all in our communities.  The stats tell us that one Australian in five will be affected by a mental illness.  Given these numbers, you will actually know someone affected by mental illness.  Perhaps they are suffering in silence fearing your rejection. It's time to talk openly about these issues and remove the stigma surrounding mental illness.  Good on you Jack for being brave enough to do so!
