Loddon Healthy Minds Signs Stop Stigma Charter
What is stigma?
Stigma happens when a group in society are not regarded with the same respect as others. There are numerous definitions but, put simply, stigma is primarily a problem of behaviours resulting in the unfair and inequitable treatment of people. Stigma involves a variety of myths, prejudices, and negative stereotyping of people with mental health issues.
Nearly half (45%) of Australians will experience a mental illness at some stage of their life. Despite this, people living with mental illness will often experience stigma and discrimination from friends, family, employers and the community as a whole. (Copied from the Murray Partners In Recovery Site)
The Stop Stigma Charter
Murray Partners in Recovery initiated the Stop Stigma project and are encouraging organisations to sign up and implement the concepts. Loddon Healthy Minds of course are very conscious of the issue of stigma, not only in the workplace, but in our communities and in society generally. Mental health issues are are normal as physical health issues and we need to acknowledge that when people are ill, they are simply ill, irrespective of the nature of that illness.
The Charter is included here for you to read. Loddon Healthy Minds are very proud to be a signatory to the Charter and hope you will consider implementing it in your organisation. For information on how to go about this, visit the Murray Partners in Recovery site and download an information pack.
Read the Charter by clicking {modal url="images/stories/Stigma_Pledge_signedLHM.jpg" title="Stop Stigma Charter"}on this link{/modal}.
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