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2014 Art Competition - Open Section

The Loddon Healthy Minds Network have extended the junior Art Competition normally run in the Shire schools and created an Open Section. Anyone over the age of 18 can enter the competition which is to encourage people to think about Mental Health from an artistic perspective. Quite often the visual can convey messages that the printed word cannot. After all, we do think in pictures and not in words.  The competition will adopt the theme of the Healthy Minds Network for the 2014 year which is "Five Ways To Well Being".

Its focus is to provide a mental health topic that will create art and conversations amongst our youth. The greater the awareness that people have about mental health issues, the more positive a society we develop mental health wellbeing is a core value. There is still considerable stigma surrounding the topic of mental health. Competitions such as this and the conversations they create do a great job of breaking down the taboos in society regarding mental health.

The attachments to this post include a full brief on what is expected in terms of the competition art. There is also a full explanation on the Five Ways To Well Being on which the competition is based.

The competition will be judged by independent people with a knowledge of the artistic medium. This should assure entrants that their work will be viewed critically by those judging the pieces submitted.

To enter the competition, you can download an entry form via this post in the attachments area.  The art submitted can be in any medium including painting, photography and sculpture. Art work will be collected from all participating schools shortly after the 8th September 2014. If you are not a student, you can deliver your entry to any of the Loddon Shire Offices together with the entry form.

art competition, 2014, open, art

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Please note that the information provided on this page, or anywhere else on the site, is for general information only. It is NOT intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice from qualified practitioners. If you have concerns regarding your mental health, seek help from suitably qualfied people.