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Please find a list of resources available to save and use as appropriate:

Stop Mental Ilness Stigma Charter

Stop Stigma Booklet

Stop Stigma Factsheet

headspace youth - how to cope with the stress of natural disasters Fact Sheet

headspace - supporting a young person after a natural disaster Fact Sheet

headspace if your friend is not okay Fact Sheet

headspace overview of mental health for family and friends Fact Sheet

headspace understanding anxiety Fact Sheet

headspace understanding depression Fact Sheet

headspace understanding loneliness Fact Sheet

National Centre for Farmer Health Managing Stress on the Farm Booklet 2022

5 Ways To Wellbeing

5 Ways to Wellbeing Poster

LGBTIQ - Let's talk about it

LGBTIQ - If you are wondering...

MAZN Mental Health Contact List (Greater Bendigo and Loddon Shire) 

Resources - Suicide Prevention & Postvention

Murray PHN Postvention information

headspace School Support - Suicide Postvention Toolkit

Standby - Support After Suicide

Men's Wellbeing Matters Murray Region Victoria  Facebook page  

General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration - After suicide - resource tool kitGeneral Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration - After suicide - resource tool kit

SuicideLine Victoria

Black Dog Suicide Prevention for Veterans - A toolkit for Primary Health NetworksBlack Dog Suicide Prevention for Veterans - A toolkit for Primary Health Networks

Lifeline - Aboriginal Suicide Prevention ToolkitLifeline - Aboriginal Suicide Prevention Toolkit

Rural Aid helping farmers in Loddon

Rural Aid is well known for the highly successful 'Buy a Bale' campaign.  Did you know they also provide critical support including water, fodder, financial and counselling assistance to help farmers in times of drought, flood or fire and now COVID-19

Please note that the information provided on this page, or anywhere else on the site, is for general information only. It is NOT intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice from qualified practitioners. If you have concerns regarding your mental health, seek help from suitably qualfied people.