Suicidal thoughts are often the result of depression and despair.Suicidal thoughts are not uncommon amongst people with a mental illness whether it be diagnosed or not. If you are considering suicide then you are no doubt feeling desperate and that the situation is hopeless. But if you are reading this page, then perhaps you are looking for someone to talk to as believe it or not, there are always options.

If you have suicidal thoughts, why not talk to someone fully trained in helping you through this situation. You can contact the following:-

Lifeline 13 11 14 (Calls from mobiles are free says this news item)

Suicide Line 1300 651 251

Are You Concerned About Someone Attempting Suicide?

Suicidal thinking and the threat of suicide should always be taken very seriously. If you have contact with someone talking about attempting suicide, ring one of the above numbers immediately for guidance on how to deal with the issue.

A couple of things to bear in mind is that the person for whom you have concern should not be left alone. If they are consuming alcohol or drugs, try to limit the intake. Encourage the person to talk and make sure you don't invalidate their feelings. Their feelings are very real to them irrespective of what you may think. Get help as soon as possible and if necessary, don't hesitate to call 000.